Table of contents
- Offre de consultance : Chercheur.e sur les demandes de réparations au Cameroun
- The Lab
- Consultant opening: Researcher on reparations demands in Cameroon
- Research
- Current Projects
- Environmental Violence
- Multiples mais invisibles : les demandes de réparations pour les crimes coloniaux dans la région des Grands Lacs
- Pursuing an African Agenda for Reparations for Colonial Crimes and Slavery
- Decolonize Justice! A perspective on the role of international development policies and citizens’ experience of justice institutions
- Gender Violence
- Global Racial Inequality Dashboard
- Publications
- Multiple But Invisible: Reparations Demands For Colonial Crimes In The Great Lakes Region
- Socio-economic Violence
- Cultural Heritage
- Les réparations pour les crimes coloniaux de l’Europe en Afrique et pour l’esclavage : Une étape clé pour relever les défis contemporains du continent africain
- Reparations for Europe’s Colonial Crimes in Africa and Slavery: A Critical Step in Tackling Africa’s Contemporary Challenges
- The Accra Summit and reparations for historical and contemporary racial violence
- Litigating for reparations? A double-edged sword for mixed-race victims of Belgium’s colonial administration
- Parce que les excuses ne suffisent pas — CBAI
- Cultural Anthropology: Sustaining the Momentum
- Job opening: Southern Africa Reparations Researcher
- Outreach
- Mobilization
- Legals mentions
- Sitemap
- Privacy policy
- Accessibilité
- 2021-2022 Fellows Spotlight
- Debt Cancellation Is Not Enough! Repairing Economic Colonial Injustices through Radical Reform of the International Financial Architecture
- Accra Roundtable Conference: "The Role of Philanthropy in Advancing Racial and Reparatory Justice in Africa and the African Diaspora", (June 10-11, 2024)
- Brussels Conference: "African Mothers and their Métis Children abducted by the Belgian Colonial Administration: What Progress Towards Justice and Reparations?", (May 29, 2024)
- Geneva Conference: "Biracial Children, African Mothers and Colonization: A Global Case for Reparations", (April 17, 2024)
- The Third Session of the Permanent Forum of People of African Descent in Geneva, April 16-19, 2024
- AfaLab’s Recommendations to the UN Permanent Forum of People of African Descent, April 19, 2024
- 70 Years of Fighting for Justice and Reparations! Mobilizations by “Métis” People from the Great Lakes Abducted by the Belgian Colonial Administration
- Métis abandonnés dans la région des Grands Lacs par l'administration coloniale belge : des voix qui demandent à être entendues
- Plus de 70 ans de lutte pour la justice et les réparations ! Les mobilisations des Métis originaires de la région des Grands Lacs enlevés par l’administration coloniale belge
- A global campaign for justice and reparations for the Métis and their African Mothers
- African voices in the restitution of human remains and cultural artefacts
- Meaningful participation of civil society and state actors in international negotiations concerning the climate reparations fund
- Repairing our international economic order
- Sustaining racial justice: Black Tunisians seeking redress for slavery legacy
- Métis of the Great Lakes MobLab
- Multiples mais invisibles : les demandes de réparations pour les crimes coloniaux dans la région des Grands Lacs
- AfaLab and Reform Initiatives: Forging a Transnational Partnership for Reparative Justice in Europe and Africa
- Decolonize Justice! A perspective on the role of international development policies and citizens’ experience of justice institutions
- West Africa Mobilization Lab on Reparations
- Multiple But Invisible: Reparations Demands For Colonial Crimes In The Great Lakes Region
- AfaLab in The Guardian: Europe's hollow apologies for colonial crimes stand in the way of genuine reparation
- Les réparations pour les crimes coloniaux de l’Europe en Afrique et pour l’esclavage : Une étape clé pour relever les défis contemporains du continent africain
- Statement on the outpouring of murderous violence in Israel and Palestine
- Reparations for Europe’s Colonial Crimes in Africa and Slavery: A Critical Step in Tackling Africa’s Contemporary Challenges
- Job Opening: Advocacy and Policy Officer
- Post opening: Researcher on climate reparations in East Africa
- AfaLab's 2022 Annual Report
- AfaLive #3 : L'Etat français face aux demandes de justice de ses populations racisées (le 12 juillet, 21h CET)
- Saison II Episode 6 - Juliette Nijimbere : “La montagne qui a accouché d’une souris” : espoirs et échec de la commission parlementaire belge sur le passé colonial
- AfaLive #2: The role of the media in racial justice struggles across Europe and Africa (June 29th, 8:30 pm CET)
- Season II Episode 5 - Jean Casimir & Michel DeGraff: Onè ak jistis: Avenues for reparations in Haiti
- Offre de poste : Chercheur.e sur les réparations pour les crimes coloniaux au Cameroun
- Post opening: Researcher on reparations for colonial crimes in Cameroon
- Saison II Episode 4 - Malcom Ferdinand : Le scandale du chlordécone et la continuité des violences coloniales en Martinique et en Guadeloupe
- Season II Episode 3 - Jephta Nguherimo: Reparations to restore dignity: Pursuing justice for the ovaHerero and Nama genocide in Namibia
- Season II Episode 2 - Kwanza Musi dos Santos: The need for an intersectional approach to fighting racism in Italy
- Saison II Episode 1 - Mireille Tsheusi-Robert : En quête de respect et de justice : regards sur les luttes antiracistes et décoloniales en Belgique
- Litigating for reparations? A double-edged sword for mixed-race victims of Belgium’s colonial administration
- AfaLive #1: Tunisie : Un racisme d'Etat assumé?
- Parce que les excuses ne suffisent pas - CBAI
- Sihem Bensedrine
- Season I Episode 6 - Menna Agha: Reclaiming space and being guided by our foremothers’ voices
- Menna Agha
- Saison I Episode 5 - “Notre force est dans l’amour" : Le rôle de l’intime dans les luttes pour la justice raciale
- Magali Bessone
- Season I Episode 4 - Mame-Fatou Niang: Working with, through, and around silences in the debate on race in France
- Liepollo Lebohang Pheko
- Saison I Episode 3 - Noureddine Amara: “La mémoire ne vaut pas justice”: Violences d’Etat et crimes coloniaux en Algérie
- Fania Noёl
- Reparations for mixed-race children abducted by Belgium in its former colonies: Challenging an unfair and inaccurate judgment
- Season I Episode 2 - Makmid Kamara & Amara Enyia: Building a Global African movement for reparations and racial healing
- Mame-Fatou Niang
- Saison I Episode 1 - Olivia Rutazibwa : Décoloniser le développement international et repenser la solidarité
- Episode 0 - Introduction to Future Perfect
- Épisode 0 - Introduction à Futur Antérieur
- Accra Declaration on Reparations and Racial Healing
- Réparer et guérir les blessures raciales: la Déclaration d’Accra
- Advancing Justice: Reparations and Racial Healing Summit in Accra
- AfaLab joins delegation of global reparations leaders of the Global Circle for Reparations and Healing at the Vatican
- Tracking Our Movement in 2021
- Sustaining the Momentum: Reparative Justice for European Colonialism and Slavery
- Workshop on Land and Reparative Justice
- “Slavery as Ecocide”: Beyond the Double Fracture of Modernity
- From the Colonial Past to Today’s Anti-Black Racism in Belgium: Modalities of Change
- Introduction: Sustaining the Momentum, By M. Amah Edoh and Liliane Umubyeyi
- Justice in Word Only? Addressing Racism and the Colonial Past in the UK
- On the Very Political Depoliticization of Reparations
- Reparations Claims for Slavery in France: The Need for a Paradigm Shift
- Sustaining the Momentum: Reparative Justice for European Colonialism and Slavery
- The Pursuit of Justice against Colonial Repression by the Mau Mau in Kenya
- Tracing Those Colonial Chains That Hinder Our Present
- Transitional Justice to Address Colonial Legacies: Decolonizing Transitional Justice First?
- What Does Justice Sound Like?
- Why Imprison? Contemporary Incarceration Policies from a (Post)Colonial Perspective, By Arnaud Dandoy and Romain Ravet
- Utiliser les archives dans la reconnaissance du passé colonial de la Belgique — MIT OpenCourseWare
- Responsabilité de l'État pour les injustices historiques devant les institutions internationales — MIT OpenCourseWare
- Transitional Justice and Belgium’s Colonial Past with CACOBURWA
- France's Colonial Violence In Algeria
- The relevance of transitional justice tools to address colonial crimes — MIT OpenCourseWare
- Historical Background on the case for reparations concerning colonial violence in Algeria
- Violences coloniales en Algérie: Quelles possibilités d'actions judiciaires? — MIT OpenCourseWare
- Workshop: Reparations For Slavery And Colonization: Contemporary Movements For Justice, September-December 2021
- Justice Now? Symposium
- Archives
- Roundtable Conference: The Role of Philanthropy in Advancing Racial and Reparations Justice in Africa and the African Diaspora
- Conférence : Mères africaines et leurs enfants métis enlevés par l'administration coloniale belge : quelles avancées vers la justice les réparations ?
- Conference: African Mothers and their Métis Children abducted by the Belgian Colonial Administration: What Progress Towards Justice and Reparations?
- Yasmine Abdillahi
- Menna Agha
- Noureddine Amara
- Sihem Bensedrine
- Magali Bessone
- CaCoBuRwa Collective
- Matt Dann
- Michel DeGraff
- Amah Edoh
- Malcom Ferdinand
- Hélène Himmer
- Geneviève Kaninda
- Liepollo Lebohang Pheko
- Martin Mavenjina
- Wezi Msisha
- Anita Munyaneza
- Kenda Mutongi
- Shaany N'sondé
- Mame-Fatou Niang
- Eva Njoki Munyiri
- Nyambura Njoroge
- Fania Noel
- Elisa Novic
- Aymar Nyenyezi Bisoka
- Mireille-Tsheusi Robert
- Nabeelah Shabbir
- Bettina Stoetzer
- Kate Theriault
- Liliane Umubyeyi
- Olivia Umurerwa Rutazibwa
- Lionel Zevounou