West Africa Mobilization Lab on Reparations

Organized and facilitated by Amah Edoh, the West Africa MobLab focuses on efforts to restitute ancestor remains from a German institution to the ancestor’s village of origin in Togo.

The members of the MobLab are:

  • Mawusse Ohinko Toffa, PhD (Colonial History and German Studies), Researcher at the Museum für Völkerkunde Dresden and the GRASSI Museum für Völkerkunde in Leipzig.
  • Napo Labodja Oubo-Gbati, President, Case-Internationale, artist and teacher in Kassel, Germany
  • Ablavi Julienne Houssou, MA (German Studies), Founder and education lead at the LdS (Lern die deutsche Sprache) Language Centre, Lome, Togo.